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Atoms, Bytes & Genes roadshow – September to October 2024

As long-term investors we believe that understanding and benefiting from future investment growth can be defined by three key pillars: Atoms, Bytes and Genes.

We identify developments and progression in these areas to help recognise the companies that we believe can be used to create highly diversified portfolios with strong long-term growth potential. As the world evolves, so do businesses. Being part of that change is integral to providing a more resilient future for returns and the planet.

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Stewardship and responsible investment report

Our approach to stewardship, the responsible investment activities we have undertaken, and how we integrate ESG into investment decision making.

Read the report

Global Equity Select Fund limited issuance

Following a period of increased asset growth, on the back of strong investment performance and net inflows, Royal London Asset Management has taken action to protect existing investors of the Royal London Global Equity Select Fund by limiting investors from buying additional shares.
Find out more Our global equities capabilities