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Fixed income

Unique strategies to harness the potential of the world's largest markets


Fixed income at Royal London Asset Management

Whatever your investment needs, we offer fixed income strategies across the fixed income universe, with flexible and asset class specific solutions that meet a broad range of investor objectives.

Our team of over 30 investment professionals cover the major asset classes within the fixed income market. From the most conservative liquidity funds, through government bond funds and sterling investment grade, to more volatile global high yield credit markets.

Our fixed income capabilities

Different fixed income asset types tend to perform well under different conditions. Therefore different strategies can be used by investors at various stages of the economic cycle, as growth and inflation rise and fall.

Our comprehensive fixed income fund range offers funds for all stages of the economic cycle.

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Investment grade credit

Investment grade credit is a key component of most balanced portfolios. We use a proven credit investment philosophy that has helped us build a reputation as a leading manager in the UK sterling corporate bond area.

Government bonds

Government bond markets are seen as one of the more efficient markets within the fixed income universe. We believe that factors such as supply, index events and macro data present opportunities for more nimble active managers.

Client centric solutions

Our fixed income strategies help a range of institutional investors – from buy & maintain and buy-out aware for defined benefit pensions schemes, to solvency II-compliant strategies for insurance companies.

Investment case

Royal London’s fixed income team has gained a reputation as one of the UK’s leading managers of government, investment grade and high yield bonds, offering clients a range of strategies designed to meet their specific needs.

We have different approaches for different parts of the fixed income universe – reflecting the differences that exist between different asset classes and regions. However, all of our strategies are underpinned by three simple principles.

Distinct approach

Identifying and exploiting inefficiencies and anomalies in each market.


Across the fixed income universe, we focus on an analysis-driven and evidence-led approach

Risk management

The nature of bond investing means that identifying and mitigating risk for investors is vital.

Our team

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Will Nicoll
Head of Fixed Income and Private Assets

Headed by Will Nicoll, the fixed income team is a compact one, led by extremely experienced individuals with proven success through numerous market cycles.

Our team of over 30 investment professionals has an average level of experience of over 15 years, with a deep insight into investing across all stages of economic and market cycles.

The structure and expertise within our team are integral to our investment process. We adopt a collegiate approach, working closely, with team members to learn and benefit from one another’s research and experience. We have confidence in our own opinions and don’t bow to the consensus.