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Global equities

Beyond market cycles. Beyond the expected.

We believe that equities represent an opportunity for investors to participate in the significant long-term wealth created by individual corporations globally.

In a crowded marketplace, our global equity team provides a unique approach for investors looking for a differentiated, proven and repeatable long-term approach to this important asset class.

Why Royal London Asset Management for global equities?

  • Differentiated: an approach built on proprietary technology and analysis – including our Corporate Life Cycle concept
  • Proven: strong performance through a range of market conditions
  • Repeatable: a clearly defined, iterative process, based on exploiting slow-moving market inefficiencies

Our approach

We believe that business fundamentals are the long-term drivers of stock prices. However, we recognise that different fundamentals matter at different points of a company’s life, and that these are often unappreciated or misunderstood by the market.

Our approach therefore aims to identify and exploit these inefficiencies, identifying stocks that we believe have superior shareholder wealth creation potential, at attractive prices.

We use custom tools, technology and data to identify neglected opportunities and manage the complexity of global equity markets. We use this data within a proprietary framework to help drive our analysis, with our Corporate Life Cycle concept sitting at the heart of this.

Image depicts global equity corporate life cycle concept

We consider that corporate returns on productive capital and growth tend to progress along a Life Cycle and every company can be located economically in one of five Life Cycle categories, from early stage accelerators and growth compounders to more mature returners and turnarounds.

The five categories of the Life Cycle are illustrated above, with each one dictating the path of analysis in our investment process.

Importantly, while wealth creation can occur across the entire Corporate Life Cycle, the drivers of success are very different depending on what stage of the Life Cycle the company is in.

A diverse fund range

The team's expertise is available across a range of pooled and segregated strategies.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments and any income from them may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount invested. 

Further reading and fund information