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UK reportable income funds

Report to investors for the Royal London Asset Management Funds p.l.c. and Royal London Asset Management Investment Funds ICAV.

The documentation on this page applies to shareholders who have invested in Royal London Asset Management Funds plc and/or Royal London Asset Management Investment Funds ICAV and who are resident in the UK for tax purposes or are offshore funds which are Reporting Funds.

A number of share classes in the Royal London Asset Management Funds plc and Royal London Asset Management Investment Funds ICAV ranges have obtained ‘Reporting Fund’ status from HM Revenue & Customs.

The UK’s tax laws require shareholders resident for the purposes of tax in the UK, who invest in offshore funds with Reporting Fund status, to include the distributions received from their investment, as well as any reportable income which is in excess of those distribution, in their UK tax return.

If you invest in a share class with Reporting Fund status, you should use the investor reports listed below to ascertain any reportable income in excess of the income you have received already. The date you are considered to receive reportable income is six months after the end of the fund’s period of account.

Click the links to download the reports in PDF format.

Royal London Asset Management Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2024

Royal London Asset Management Investment Funds ICAV Reportable Income 2024

2023 reports

Royal London Asset Management Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2023

Royal London Asset Management Investment Funds ICAV Reportable Income 2023

2022 reports

Royal London Asset Management Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2022

Royal London Asset Management Investment Funds ICAV Reportable Income 2022

2021 reports

Royal London Asset Management Bond Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2021

Royal London Asset Management Investment Funds ICAV Reportable Income 2021

2020 reports

Royal London Asset Management Bond Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2020

Royal London Asset Management Investment Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2020

Reports archive pre-2020

Royal London Asset Management Bond Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2019

Royal London Asset Management Bond Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2018

Royal London Asset Management Bond Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2017

Royal London Asset Management Bond Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2016

Royal London Asset Management Bond Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2015

Royal London Asset Management Bond Funds p.l.c Reportable Income 2014