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Policies and regulatory documentation


Anti-money Laundering

Please click on the links below to download the latest Wolfsberg Questionnaire for either Royal London Asset Management Limited or our parent company, The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited.

Download the Royal London Asset Management Limited Wolfsberg Questionnaire

Download The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited Wolfsberg Questionnaire


Best execution

Best execution is the way in which we pursue all practical steps in order to achieve the best possible outcome for each transaction undertaken on behalf of our clients. This disclosure statement sets out the Royal London Asset Management Ltd order execution policy.

Download our best execution disclosure statement


Climate risk policy

Contact us for our Climate Risk policy


Complaints policy

The complaints policy for our clients outlines how to raise an issue as well as our promise to you.

Download our complaints policy


Conflicts of interest disclosure

As a firm regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Royal London Asset Management is required to take appropriate steps to identify and prevent or manage conflicts of interest.

Download our conflicts of interest disclosure statement


Controversial weapons policy

Download our controversial weapons policy


Costs and Charges

Please visit one of the fund centres in our investor websites to access costs and charges disclosure information for our funds.


EMT - European MiFID Template

MiFID II introduces new obligations on MiFID firms acting as product manufacturers and distributors. This includes enhanced investor protection that requires firms to take responsibility for ensuring that products and related services that are designed are consistent with the interest of clients. Firms that manufacture financial products will need to specify, as part of the product approval process, a target market of end clients. This must cover characteristics and objectives the product is intended to deliver as well as a distribution strategy which is consistent with the identified target market.

Please visit one of the fund centres in our investor websites to access our EMT template.



To request a copy of our EPT please email


Ethical and sustainable investment policy

Download our policy


Fund documentation

Please visit one of the fund centres in our investor websites to access regulatory documentation relating to our funds including KIIDs, prospectuses and financial reports.


Gender pay gap

In line with gender pay reporting legislation, Royal London will publish statutory calculations every year comparing men and women’s average pay across the organisation.

View the 2023 gender pay gap report
View the 2022 gender pay gap report
View the 2021 gender pay gap report 
View the 2020 gender pay gap report
View the 2019 gender pay gap report


Good Governance Policy 

Download our Good Governance Policy


MIFIDPRU Disclosures

The Investment Firms Prudential Regime requires in-scope firms to publish certain information relating to their risk management approach, capital adequacy, remuneration approaches and board diversity. These are known as MIFIDPRU Disclosures.

Royal London Asset Management MIFIDPRU Disclosures


Modern slavery statement

We are passionate about ensuring our business is conducted ethically. Visit our Group website to find out more and download our statements.

Read our modern slavery statement on the Group website


PAI Statement

Download our PAI Statement 


Product development procedure

Our Product Development Procedure sets out the governance process for designing and developing propositions, including their approval requirements, within Royal London Asset Management with the goal of ensuring that propositions meet identified customer needs based on insight and deliver good customer outcomes.

Download our product development procedure


Remuneration policy

Royal London Asset Management Limited is part of the Royal London Group. It is subject to the Group Remuneration Policy and comes under the governance of the Group Remuneration Committee which approves all specific remuneration plans and awards.

Download Royal London Unit Trust Managers Limited UCITS Summary Remuneration Policy

Download RLUM Limited Summary Remuneration Policy


Section 172 disclosure

Download our Royal London Unit Trust Managers Limited Section 172 disclosure

Download our Royal London Asset Management Limited Section 172 disclosure


Voting guidelines

Download our Voting guidelines